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With the following four versions its starts to get interesting because they are interactive. Based on the cursors Y position I altered the length of the branches and based on the cursors X position I altered the angle with which the branches start from the previous one.
With versions 5 and 6 I experimented with what should happen when the cursor is in the lower half of the sketch.
Version 5
Version 6
Version 7
Version 8
I don't know why but I liked the experience of the tree always going into the opposite direction as the cursor which is why I created version 7 from version 6. This also sparked an idea in my head to create a kind of game that tests how good the user can control the tree. More on that later.
Version 8 is a big favorite of mine because I love symmetry. Therefore I not only drew one tree but four. I loved to play around with it and I made two screenshots of figures that I found the most beautiful.