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Now we finally move one to the new sketch that I created to show the process of creating one from start to finish.
For this one, I took some inspiration from an image that I've seen a few years back and that was stuck in my head ever since. It was the image of a tree that only consisted of a few basic lines. And this image of a tree was achieved by a recursive function. So I took this as a starting point and tried over the following four different versions to get a recursive function that makes every branch a bit shorter than the previous branch and with always the same angle to the previous branch. For that, I used the 'push()' 'pop' concept of P5.JS which lets you save a drawing context and get back to it. This way I had an easy time going back up in the call stack of the recursive function and to draw at the position where I left off.
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
In version 4 you can see that we have a basic tree wherefrom each branch, two new branches start. This happens until we get under a minimum length of the branch because otherwise,the recursive function wouldn't stop.